Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The trip to the museum exhilerating, like a burst of fresh or eating a york pepperment. It was great to see all this beautiful art in one building, it was the greatest gift a man can ever get. I took this picture of Tomaselli bird and it conveyed a message of nature in its most pure form. To see a creature with such grace of a bird pirched on a twig while about to consume a worm was good to see and showed me not to take life for granted but to respect all lifeforms that dwell on planet earth
-Brandon Walters

Tang Museum

Today we took a trip to the Tang Museum in Saratoga. On our way there I felt as if i was already looking at art, Saratoga is filled with museums, and has a ton of brightly painted horses throughout its streets. Almost every where you looked there was a different design painted on the horse. While at the museum we saw a ton of different exhibits such as the roller coaster bed, which was crazy, when I touched it the women at the museum yelled at me. The other exhibit I saw was by Fred Tomaselli which included flowers, birds, people and many other objects, with a different arrangement or depiction of each. Many of his works are collages that are put together on multiple layers. In the picture above we are looking at a book that includes most of Tomaselli's artwork and has a description of each explaining a little about each piece.

Tang Teaching Museum Trip

Our visit to the Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore was a very interesting experience. When we first walked in, we were greeted by the staff at the museum and they gave us brochures on Fred Tomaselli's artwork. We then walked through the galleries and saw his artwork firsthand. It was so intricate and there was so much detail within each painting. An untitled piece that Tomaselli had created in 1999 of leaves or something of that nature, really caught my eye because of the colors alone. Then when I looked even closer I realized that the painting was in layers, each layer strategically placed ontop of another, creating an image that almost popped out at the onlooker. His other paintings were interesting too because they were images created out of other images. For example, his painting that I placed in this blog is of a human body, and the body is created with smaller colored body parts to bring a whole other dimension into the painting. I thought that the Tang Teaching Museum was a great place to experience great contemporary artwork.

Tang Teaching Museum Pictures

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vik Muniz

Vik Muniz is an artist that has truly created his own art form. Muniz is someone who is not afraid to try multiple unconventional mediums to create works of art. He is a New York City artist, however he is originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Some of his works that we looked at in class were created with sugar. I think that the sugar pieces were some of the most creative art pieces that I have ever seen. Each portrait tells a story of each specific child that he portrays. Vik Muniz is talented and extremely creative. He knows how to create art in ways that other artists have never dreamed of. He takes thinkgs like chocolate, sugar, dust, thread, garbage, and other otherwise non-interesting items, and makes them interesting.
- Steph

Personal Collections

In class today we spoke about any collections we may have or may have had as a child. I never have had to many collections but looking back on it I had collected pogs, I forgot what there purpose was but I had a ton of them and would love to show them off with my friends. Another thing I had collected was baseball cards, when I was younger my grandfather gave me a bunch of older baseball cards and ever since then I would always collect them. Watching my collection grow was always a lot of fun and being able to see the new cards i had added to the collection was great. I do not have many collections today, I am a big fan of movies and purchase them often so that may be the only collection I currently have going for me.


This painting first caught my eye because of the bright colors that are involved and because i have not seen to many red owls in my lifetime. Like myself the artist was born in New York and i decided to use her picture for my $20 purchase. i don't have a specific reason for using this piece of work other then the colors involved drew me to it. I think it is a very interesting work and would be appealing to all people because of the originality of it. I have actually been contemplating buying this piece for my room just to brighten it up a little bit, so far i have not bought it but they may change.